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Books, magazines, journals, catalogues and editorial work (selection) Dissident Practices: Posthumanist Approaches to Critiques of Political Economy Re-Entangled Cohabitation: Finance Aesthetics: A Critical Glossary Against Platform Non-Transparency: A Politics of Resolution for Renegade Activism De-Sync Editing Art, Market and Finance Countering Capitulation: An arts-based, postdisciplinary approach to resolving non-transparency. The derivative condition, an aesthetics of resolution, and the figure of the renegade. Aesthetics of Resolution. A postdisciplinary approach to countering the technocapitalist black box. 4 Cases of Unbounding. The Derivative Condition:
A Present Inquiry into the History of Futures. A-Symmetry - Algorithmic Finance and the Dark Side of the Efficient Market. Special Issue on Art and Finance MAKING OF FINANCE SOCIAL GLITCH. Radical aesthetics and the consequences of extreme events. continent. 4.4 Towards a Poietics of Resolution. The Renegade. An Aesthetics of Resolution. MAYHEM IN MAHWAH: The Case of the Flash Crash; or, Forensic Re-performance in Deep Time. In conjuction with the exhibition FORENSIS, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, curated by Anselm Franke and Eyal Weizmann, 2014. SKEWED ENTRAILS. The Non-Space of Money or the Pseudo-Common Oracle of Risk Production. BUILDING RUINS KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL 200 + 201. Kunst und Wirtschaft (Art and Economy).
Edited by Dieter Buchhart and Gerald Nestler. 2010. Introductions to issue 200 and issue 201 (in German). Arbeit am durchlässigen Raum. Der Mensch als Derivat. DERIVATIVE NARRATIVE Yx . fluid taxonomies - enlitened elevation - voided dimensions - human derivatives - vibrations in hyperreal econociety. Review in EIKON Magazine for Photography and Media Art, No 60, 2007 by Lucas Gehrmann (in German).
Carmen Lael Hines, Lisa Moravec (eds.) in conversation with Gerald Nestler. Other Contributors: Ron Broglio, Marco Donnarumma, Douglas Eacho, Suzahn Ebrahimian, Benj Gerdes, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Stefano Harney, Into the Black Box, Zakkiyah Iman Jackson, Vladan Joler, Kilian Jörg, Marietta Kesting, Bernadette Krejs, Helen Lewandowski, Yatin Li, Andreas Spiegel, Christoph Szalay, Cary Wolfe. Bloomsbury (forthcoming 2025).
Immersed in Planetary Matter a New World is Unfolding. Can You Feel the Ecstatic Sensation of Alien Copresence?
Gerald Nestler with Sylvia Eckermann.
In: Lucie Strecker, Thomas Feuerstein, Jens Hauser (eds), Life is Other: A/Biotic Entanglements in Art and Curation. Other contributors: Monika Bakke, David Berry & Irini Athanassakis, Bruno Clarke, Joseph Doods, Thomas Feuerstein & Anett Holzheid, Jens Hauser & Maja Smrekar, Edurado Kac, Dorion Sagan, Klaus Spiess, Paul Vanouse. DeGruyter, 2025.
with 56 entries, edited by Frederik Tygstrup, Torsten Andreasen, Emma Sofie Brogaard, Mikkel Krause Frantzen, and Nick Huber. Goldsmiths Press, 2024. Gerald Nestler, HFT glossary entry.
In: Plattform Urbanism and Its Discontents. Eds. Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer. Austrian Pavilion, Architecture Biennial, Venice. nai010 publishers, 2021.
In: The Geofinancial Lexicon. Eds. Jack Clarke, Sami Hammana. Abstract Supply, 2021.
Contingent Claims. The performativity of finance, or how the future materializes in technocapitalism.
In: Jens Hauser and Lucie Strecker (eds.) On Microperformativity. Performance Research 25/3, 2020.
With Victoria Ivanova. In: Christian Borch and Robert Wosnitzer (eds.), Routlegde Handbook to Critical Finance Studies, Routledge, 2020.
In: Oliver Grau and Inge Hinterwaldner (eds.), Retracing Political Dimensions: Strategies in contemporary new media art, De Gruyter, 2020.
In: Johnny Golding, Martin Reinhart and Mattia Paganelli (eds.), Data Loam: Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft, De Gruyter, 2020.
A conversation by Christian Kloeckner and Stefanie Mueller with Gerald Nestler. In: Christian Kloeckner, Stefanie Mueller (eds.), Financial Times. Finance and Society 4(1): 126-43, 2018.
In: Proceedings of the XXII International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society Of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi),
Universtity of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, 2018.
Transcript of a talk given at 1948 Unbound. Unleashing the technological present. A project in the framework of Technosphere 2015-2019.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin,
Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2017.
Centre for Research Architecture, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London, 2017. Doctoral thesis.
In: Risk Equipment. TECHNOSPHERE MAGAZINE #9, April 2017.
Suhail Malik and Gerald Nestler (eds.), Finance and Society, Vol 2(2), 2016.
Armin Avanessian and Gerald Nestler (eds.), published by MERVE, Berlin, 2015.
With contributions by Elie Ayache & Philippe Henrotte, Haim Bodek, Rishi K. Narang, Edward O. Thorp. Introduction (in German)
Exhibition catalogue, Sylvia Eckermann, Gerald Nestler, Maximilian Thoman (eds.), Kunstraum Niederoesterreich and other venues, Vienna, 2015 / Artist talk at ISEA 2016 Hong Kong, with Sylvia Eckermann and Maximilian Thoman.
Sylvia Eckermann, Bernhard Garnicnig, Gerald Nestler, Maxmilian Thoman (eds.). Special issue of the open web journal as digital extension of the art project Social Glitch, 2015.
On embodied risk, contingent autonomies and renegade collectives as forms of technological and artistic resistance. In: Journal for Research Cultures, Vol 1 / Issue 1, 2015.
Thoughts on a Techno-Imaginative Toolbox and its Potential for Art as — and beyond — Critique.In: Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. ISEA 2015,
Vancouver, August 14-19, 2015.
In: Forensis. The Architecture of Public Truth. Ed. Forensic Architecture, published by Sternberg Press, Berlin. 2014.
Artwork as research outcome: Countering Capitulation. From Automated Participation to Renegade Solidarity. High-frequency trading and the forensic analysis of the Flash Crash, May 6, 2010. Text, images and video (11:25 min.), 2013-14.
In: Paratactic Commons, edited by Ekmel Ertan & Fatih Aydogdu.
Keynote at the Paratactic Commons conference, amber'12 Art and Technology Festival, Istanbul, November, 2012.
In: The New City Reader, Issue 9: Legal
Published as part of the exhibition The Last Newspaper, New Museum, New York. A collection of text contributions by members of
the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College London. 2011.
A Scopic Mode of World Production.
Derivative money, technological capitalism and a recourse on artistic research.
Conflict & Negotiations Seminar.
Centre of Research Archtecture,
Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London. 2010.
Interview with Sylvia Eckermann and Gerald Nestler by Franz Thalmair, in Der Online Standard, 2009 (in German).
Interview with Gerald Nestler by Dieter Buchhart, in the series "Gespräche mit Künstlern," Kunstforum International 197, June 2009 (in German).
The Global Market Is a Medium and Apparatus, and Creates Derivatives, 2006
editorial article in: RE.SONANCE.NETWORK.MISSION.007.
Catalogue pubished by on the occasion of the re.sonance festival, Vienna, 2007.
Artist book and reader on finance and economy as fields of artistic research (english / deutsch). Published by Schleebrugge.Editor, Vienna, 2007.
ISBN 978-3-85160-110-7.
Presentations, (performative) lectures, podcasts, conferences, panel discussions, workshops (selection)
Climate Finance
A panel in the context of Applied Human Rights at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. With Diana Cantarey (Debt for Climate), Shouvik Chakraborty (Club of Rome), Gerald Nestler (artist and researcher), Alina Saba (Center for Economic and Social Rights). May 24, 2024.
The Creepin' Illiberalist Curriculum
Designed by Bassam El Baroni and João Enxuto, The Creepin’ Illiberalist Curriculum was a concise online study programme that seeked to examine illiberalism and define its contours as a research object necessary for the experimenting with and forging of economic imaginaries extraordinary to the financial arrangements of our time.
Seminar #1 - Alberto Toscano: The Democratic Drag.
Seminar #2 - Gerald Nestler, Vienne Chan, Joshua Citarella: Volatility in Context.
Seminar #3 - Steven Klein: Financialized Illiberalism.
Seminar #4 - Ben Davis, Max Haiven, Emily Rosamond: Art, Culture and Creepin’ Iliberalism.
Seminar #5 – Assembly with Gary Zhexi Zhang, Steven Klein.
Online seminars from 12 May – 09 June 2024.
Follow the Money. Von analogen Werten, digitalem Geld und der Bezifferung der Welt.
Rund 90 Expert*innen verfolgen die Spuren des Geldes im Großen, im Kleinen und im eigenen Leben. Der „Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen“ ist ein Ort der Wissensvermittlung, Archiv und Lesesaal, Börse und Beratungsstelle zugleich. Ein Projekt der Mobilen Akademie Berlin, produziert vom Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm in Kooperation mit ZEVEDI, dem Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung. Ort: Frankfurt LAB (Gallus). September 16, 2023.
Follow the Money video docu >>
Holobiont. Life is Another. Finisagge and book presentationMetadata Resolution and the Performativity of Finance
David Berry, Thomas Feuerstein, Karmen Franinović, Jens Hauser, Roman Kirschner, Gerald Nestler, Klaus Spiess, Maja Smrekar, Lucie Strecker and K.T. Zakravsky discuss the significance of microperformativity in their artistic practices. AIL. Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab. January 20, 2023.
(Art) Activism in the 21st-Century.
Video screening and discussion.
AI technologies are increasingly used in all realms of society and create artificial classifications and models. Gerald Nestler's Countering Capitulation (2014), Forensic Architecture's Model Zoo (2020), und Vladan Joler's The New Extractivism (2021) provide a critical insight into these operations. Screening and panel discussion between Vladan Joler, a leading expert in the field of AI, Gerald Nestler, an artist and a renowned critic of tech capitalism and the art-performance historian Lisa Moravec. Belvedere 21, Vienna November 12, 2022
Forensics and Finance: Metadata Resolution and the Performativity of Finance
A talk as part of The School of Materialist Research’s first Special Program: "Essays on the Architectonic Body." Online, March 11, 2022.
The Future is Public: Activism in the Age of Platform Capitalism
A panel discussion on Platform Urbanism with Slutty Urbanism, Gerald Nestler and Into the Black Box, chaired by Carmen Lael Hines. August 28, 2021. Garden of the Austrian Pavilion, Giardini della Biennale, Venice. Part of the Curators Collective Midissage.
The Derivative Condition
Online workshop by Diffractions Collectivewith Gerald Nestler and members of the Economic Space Agency/Robin Hood DAO in the framework of UROBOROS Festival - Designing in Troubling Times, May 18, 2021.
The Derivative Condition w/Gerald Nestler
A podcast by Dustin Breitling for the Blog and Lecture Series Diffractions Collective, February 6, 2021.
rA/Upture: xenofuturities_specters_anachrony
A conference by adO/Aptive. Online and at nadalokal, Vienna, October 3-4, 2020.
The Spectrality of Future in Finance
Video-podcast with Daniel Hüttler and Zsolt Miklósvölgyi in the context of Leaning on the Past, Working for the Future, an online exhibition / program curated by Krisztina Hunya, Zsolt Miklósvölgyi, Márió Z. Nemes. Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, June 4 - July 17, 2020.
Crises, Cracks and Openings. The technopolitics of COVID-19.
A Technopolitics Evening held on Zoom with Brian Holmes (Chicago), Lucas Bambozzi and David Sperling (São Paulo), Udi Edelman and Tsila Hassine (Tel Aviv). April 21, 2020.
Technopolitics Salon @ Artist Residence Herzliya. A conversation on Method. With Udi Edelman, Tsila Hassine, Ran Kasmy Ilan, Lior Zalmansson, Mushon Zer-Aviv and the audience. Feb. 29, 2020.
Raging Bull. The making and unmaking of entanglements in finance and other data-driven spheres. Pistori Palace, Bratislava. Part of Artifical Entanglement, a series of lectures on art and technology in contemporary society. Robota - Center for Advanced Studies. Nov. 28, 2019.
Exhibition Parcours Talks. Vienna Art Week. Gerald Nestler and Sylvia Eckermann in conversation with Friedrich von Borries (architect and curator, Berlin). Nov. 17, 2019.
Asymmetries, noise and resolution in finance and other algo spaces. Artist talk. Digital Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna. Oct. 31, 2019.
DEEP HORIZON: The Culture of Forecasting. Technopolitics@Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna. Oct. 17-19, 2019.
Algorithmic Cognition and the Turn from Representative to Performative Power. Performative lecture, with Haim Bodek and Sylvia Eckermann. Hysterical Mining, Vienna Biennial, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna. Sept. 27, 2019.
ISEA 2019. Gwangju. Artist talk: The Future of Demonstration. With Sylvia Eckermann. June, 27, 2019.
Fabulous Entanglement. Keynote, Royal College of Art, London.
Jan. 29, 2019.
The Pit. Lecture Performance, with Haim Bodek and Sylvia Eckermann. Applied Microperformativity: Live Arts for a Radical Socio-Economic Turn, Angewandte Innovation Lab, University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Dec. 15, 2018.
Technopolitics SIGraDi 2018 conference. Lecture and workshops, University of Sao Paolo, Sao Carlos, Brazil. Nov. 5-8, 2018.
The Future of Demonstration. Season 2. Seminars and panels. Host and speaker. Atelier Augarten, Vienna. Oct. 20-25, 2018.
Entropy. Panel discussion, Künstlerhaus.1050, Vienna. May 24, 2018
Pod save Austria. Addressing the State of the Nation(s).
Live radio and podcast. Curated by Alexander Martos. With Elena Esposito, Joseph Vogl, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna. May 17, 2018.
1948 Unbound. Unleashing the technical present. Technosphere 2015-2019. Talks in the SWITCHES and TOKENS sections, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2017.
The Future of Demonstration. Season 1. Seminars and panels. Host and speaker. Reaktor, Vienna. Oct. 31 - Nov.9, 2017.
Finance and Society, special issue on Art and Finance. Journal launch at Goldsmiths, London. With Suhail Malik. Feb. 7, 2017.
Technopolitics – Tracing Information Society – a Timeline: New Paradigms. Talk and panel discussion, ever elusive - 30 years of transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Feb. 3, 2017.
INSTANTERNITY. Presentation + Q&A on the artistic research project. With Haim Bodek and Sylvia Eckermann, moderated by Mark Tribe. Austrian Cultural Forum New York. Jan 24, 2017.
Finance and Society, special issue on Art and Finance. Journal launch at P!, New York. Jan. 15, 2017.
Lecture and conversation with Elie Ayache. Volatility Research Group, The New School, New York. Nov. 30, 2016.
The Politics of Resolution. Lecture and discussion; in collaboration with Parallax Drift faculty member Victoria Ivanova, ArtCenter/South Florida, Miami Beach. Nov. 11, 2016.
FORUM ALPBACH. "New Enlightenment". Financial Market Symposium. Keynote and panel discussion with Paul Mason and Agnes Streissler-Führer (chair).
Sept. 1, 2016.
Die Informationsgesellschaft. Von der Macht des algorithmischen Denkens. A Radiokolleg feature by Armin Medosch >> June 13 - 16, 2016.
ISEA 2016. Hongkong.
Artist talk: Social Glitch: Radical Aesthetics and the Consequences of Extreme Events. With Sylvia Eckermann. May 20, 2017.
Die Algorithmisierung der Zukunft?
Talk followed by a discussion with Gunter Dunkel (CEO of NORD/LB bank).
In the framework of the exhibition Digital Archives, Kunstverein Hannover in cooperation with Basis Zwei, Pit Noack.
March 23, 2016.
The Necessary Book is Substracted from Chance. Talk and Book Launch, Elie Ayache, The Medium of Contingency: An Inverse View of the Market (Pelgrave MacMillan, 2015).
Elie Ayache in conversation with Philippe Henrotte and Gerald Nestler,
Musée Sursock, Beirut. March 11, 2016. Link >>
Die Sprache des Geldes (The Language of Money).
Lectures series with Ramon Reichert, Wolfgang Harsch, Gerald Nestler, Andreas Langenohl, Peter Harold, New Design University St. Poelten, Austria (lecture entitled "Alienation. The Price of the Living Currency"). Nov 11, 2015.
Umkreisungen. Artistic Work and the Economy.
Panel discussion with Peter Moosgaard, Gerald Nestler, Christian Stefaner-Schmid,
programmed and moderated by Alexandra Reill - kanonmedia.
Depot Vienna. Nov 4, 2015.
DAY IN DAY OUT // Störungen des Digitalen.
Panels and workshops curated and moderated by Marian Kaiser, Dresden. Oct. 15, 2015.
Art and Technopolitics. Talk and panel discussion, moderated by Armin Medosch. Renewable Futures conference, organized by RIXC,
Riga. Oct. 9, 2015.
Radiokolleg zum Mitreden: Die Macht der Prognosen. Lässt sich die Zukunft berechnen? Sept 22, 2015. Audio recording >> (in German)
ISEA 2015. Vancouver.
Talk and panel moderated by Christiane Paul.
21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. Aug 14-19, 2015. (Talk: "Enhancing / Embracing Resolution as a techno-imaginative toolbox") program >>
Renegades. Traitors. Educators.
Talk in the framework of the exhibition Utopian Pulse - Flares In The Darkroom.
A project by Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. July 14, 2015. program >>
On the Cultures of High-Frequency Trading, and their Regulations. International Workshop at the University of Konstanz. With Christian Borch, Nathan Coombs, Ann-Christine Lange, Karin Knorr Cetina, Alexander Laumonier, Marc Lenglet, Donald MacKenzie, Yuval Millo,
Gerald Nestler, Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Alex Preda, Robert Seyfert. June 22-23, 2015. program >>
A FEW REASONS FOR A NON DISMISSIVE ART. Talk. International symposium curated by Eduarda Neves, organized by esap – escolar superior artistica de porto. Serralves Museum, Porto. Oct 26, 2014. Brochure >> (p84)
technopolitics salon@ViennaOpen 14. Festival für Open Design, Postdigital Strategies and Open Society, Vienna. Oct. 18, 2014.
Paris Market Seminar. Organised by philosopher Jon Roffe and Elie Ayache, hosted by ITO33, Paris. June 30 - July 1, 2014.
Quantitative Easing (for the street). Opening address. Public art project by Axel Stockburger, curated by Muntean & Rosenblum, commissioned by kör - Public Art Vienna. May 27, 2014.
Banking in Crisis. The Functions and Relevance of Financial Institutes. Ö1 Radiokolleg feature by Gerhard Pretting. 2014.
Artistic Research on Algorithmic Finance. Lecture. Technopolitics Evening, Vienna. Feb. 27, 2014
Mayhem in Mahwah. The Case of the Flash Crash; or, Forensic Reperformance In Deep Time. Keynote. Autonomies conference, Napon – Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies, Novi Sad. Nov. 26, 2013.
Carry Cargo Cult. Lecture performance. What Would Thomas Bernhard Do?, Kunsthalle Vienna. May 22, 2013. Link >>
Die Welt der Finanzindustrie - Mythen, Märkte, Mathematik (The World of Finance - Myth, Markets, Mathematics).
Ö1 Radiokolleg series by Armin Medosch. Dec 10-13, 2012.
Wissen versus Nichtwissen. Epistemische Strategien in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Ökonomie.
Lecture. Symposium Kunst fördert Wissenschaft, IDfactory, TU Dortmund. Nov 19, 2012. program >>
The Non-Space of Money, or, the Pseudo-Common Oracle of Risk Production. Keynote. Paratactic Commons Conference. Istanbul. Nov 8, 2012. program>>
Ad Acta - Kunst, Recht und Internet XXX. Interview, Radio Dispositiv series
by Herbert Gnauer, Orange 94.0. 2012. Online audio >> (in German)
Cultural diplomacy today: between representation, soft power and transversal networks.
Conference, organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences,
in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum New York. Vienna. 2012.
The New Derivative Order. Talk series convened and moderated by Gerald Nestler. March 18: Elie Ayache and Karin Knorr-Cetina. April 14: Brian Holmes, Armin Medosch, Technopolitcs group. kunstraum Bernsteiner, Vienna. 2012. program >>
DECLINING DEMOCRACY. Rethinking democracy between utopia and participation. An exhibiton project devised with the contribution of Piroschka Dossi, Gerald Nestler, Christiane Feser and Franziska Nori. Strozzina. Centro di Cultura contemporanea a Palazzo Strozzi (CCCS), Florence. 2011 - 2012. program >>
This Is Not A Gateway Festival. Lecture and panel discussion, London. 2010.
RODEO-Festival. Lecture and panel discussion, Munich. 2010
KISS – Kultur in Schule und Studium. Art and education project by Bund Deutscher Kunsterzieher (German Association of Art Teachers) in cooperation with Siemens Foundation and Robert Bosch Foundation. Mentor for the students Robert Hausmann and Matthias Laabs. Dresden. 2010. Info >> (in German)
Die Aktie als Bild. Book launch with Irini Athanassakis (author), Gerald Nestler and Christian Reder, Salon für Kunstbuch, Vienna. May 8, 2008.
Book launch. Y.x, artist book & reader by Gerald Nestler.
Published by Schlebrugge.Editor. Performative Reading: Lucas Gehrmann, Wolfgang Höchtl, Monika Mokre, Gerald Nestler,
Johannes Schlebrügge.Sound: future market music by Peter Szely with sound material from Gerald Nestler. Tonicum: TONO-BUNGAY. Daimonicus Oeconomicus.
40% Vol. Alcohol.“Trocken wie die Wissenschaft” by Thomas Feuerstein & Dr. Thomas Seppi. Edition: enlite, silkscreen on wrapping paper, ed. 30. Salon für Kunst Buch, Vienna. Sept. 12, 2007.
Art & Economy – aspects in research and practice. Lecture, University of Applied Arts, Department of Transmedia Art, Prof. Brigitte Kowanz, Vienna.
Finance and Economy as artistic fields of research. Lecture. Webster University Vienna, Department of Visual Culture, Prof. Dr. Monika Schwärzler-Brodesser, Vienna. 2005.
Derivative Bond Emissions. No 2., 2004