umspannen Gerald Nestler/Sylvia Eckermann,
Collage, print on aluminum, 70x50, 2005.
umspannen is an art installation and exhibition that addresses global economic issues
by transforming some of its central claims and practices with the means, methods and practices of art.
>> more info on umspannen
>> drawing options, details

drawing options, series of 21 drawings

installation view, gallery entrance, Vienna

umspannen, installation view

umspannen, installation view

Options are contrasted to a different version of options and drawing.
On a monitor, for instance, trading is broadcasted live.
The line of the chart draws its random walk into the future.
The contingent events that make up this performative spectacle move ahead.
What is visible in fact obscures the complex logistics and infrastructure on which trading depend.
The line generates significance, an image, and ultimately defines, i.e. prices, value and risk, profit and loss.

enlitement, text work; version: outoor projection
What is usually hidden under legal protection and proprietrary ownership,
– the real-time datafeeds of financial markets – was projected from the gallery space to an adjacent building. |